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磁翻板液位计 英文

The Magnetic Flip Board Level Gauge


In process industries, it is crucial to accurately measure and monitor liquid levels in various tanks and vessels. One popular device used for this purpose is the magnetic flip board level gauge. This innovative instrument offers precise and reliable liquid level measurements, making it an indispensable tool for operators and engineers. In this article, we will explore the working principle, advantages, and applications of the magnetic flip board level gauge.

Working Principle:

The magnetic flip board level gauge operates based on the principle of magnetic coupling. It consists of a float, which moves vertically along a guide tube installed within the tank or vessel. The float contains various magnetic caps, which change their orientation depending on the liquid level. The external indicator, also known as the flip board, is positioned outside the tank or vessel and is connected to the float by a magnetic coupling system.

As the liquid level rises or falls, the float moves correspondingly, causing the magnetic caps to align or flip. Through the magnetic coupling system, these changes are transmitted to the flip board, which displays the liquid level in real-time. By observing the orientation of the magnetic caps on the flip board, operators can accurately determine the liquid level within the tank or vessel.


1. Accuracy: The magnetic flip board level gauge offers high accuracy in liquid level measurements. The magnetic coupling system ensures that the readings on the flip board are directly proportional to the actual liquid level. This accuracy helps prevent costly errors and ensures optimal process control.

2. Reliability: The magnetic flip board level gauge is known for its reliability and long-term stability. The absence of mechanical linkages and moving parts reduces the risk of wear and tear, ensuring consistent performance over time. It is also resistant to harsh environments, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

3. Easy Installation and Maintenance: The magnetic flip board level gauge is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. Its simple design and lightweight construction allow for quick and hassle-free installation. Regular cleaning and inspection are usually sufficient to keep the instrument in optimal condition.


The magnetic flip board level gauge finds applications in various industries where accurate liquid level monitoring is critical. Some common applications include:

1. Petrochemical industry: The gauge is extensively used in the storage and transportation of petroleum products, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

2. Food and beverage industry: It is employed in tanks for storing liquids such as milk, juices, and beverages, guaranteeing accurate inventory management and quality control.

3. Water treatment plants: The magnetic flip board level gauge plays a vital role in monitoring water levels in treatment tanks, ensuring optimal processes and preventing overflows or shortages.

4. Pharmaceutical industry: The gauge is utilized for measuring liquid levels in drug production and storage vessels, ensuring precise control and adherence to regulatory requirements.


The magnetic flip board level gauge stands as a reliable and accurate instrument for liquid level measurement in various industries. Its working principle based on magnetic coupling, along with its accuracy, reliability, and easy installation and maintenance, make it an essential tool for process control and optimization. With its wide range of applications, this gauge plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of various processes.


